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Margaret retired from the civil service and continues to use her secretarial skills by being our Minute Secretary.  She is the proud grandmother of eight grandchildren, has recently moved to Bangor and enjoys going out on her mobility scooter along the front at Ballyholme.

Teresa is married to Neilly, hails from Lurgan and is a devoted grandmother to five grandchildren.  She keeps up to date with current affairs and Teresa also loves jigsaws and crosswords.  She has been a long time member of the Association and holds the current position of Treasurer.    

Ann retired from Shopmobility Belfast, and continues her work of campaigning for the rights of disabled people by undertaking the DDA(NI) role of Secretary. She comes from Carnmoney, is very proud of her son and enjoys reading, painting and her garden.  

Ann Collins, MBE
Margaret McCartan
Teresa McCabe
Terry Malone

Terry took Polio when he was four and was excited by the freedom learning to drive gave him. Terry has been the Chairman for more years than he can remember and believes passionately in belonging to an association run by disabled people for disabled people.






Raymond is very much a "hands on" President of the DDA(NI) and a member of the Committee.  He is a retired Headmaster who enjoys walking, bowling and giving talks on his shipwrecked exploits in the footsteps of Shackleton.  Raymond enjoys travelling around the world with his wife Muriel.

Raymond King, MBE

Matt was a Technology teacher and Moira worked in the health care field before they retired.  They enjoy travelling in their campervan to France to partake of the local wine and summer sum.  Matt and Moira are a marriage between Foyle and the Lagan and the newest members of our Committee.  

Matt and Moira O'Callaghan

© 2017 by Disabled Drivers' Association (NI). Charity Number : 101269

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