Local Magazine
twice a year
Club nights

Local contact on
local issues
We publish a local magazine twice a year to our members with local information, reviews and tips

Our members meet up for outing to local places of interest and our Annual Dinner.
We meet twice a week at our club house in
Duncrue Street, Belfast.
We meet at 3.00p.m. and have a chat before a home cooked meal provided at 5p.m. After our meal we have a classic movie and usually head for home around 8p.m. The cost for the meal and movie is £5.50 and if you would like to come please telephone our mobile (Mobile No.:07802433500) the day before to assist with the catering arrangements.
This is an informal gathering of members with pool, board games, bingo, a cup of tea and usually ends up with a "sing song". We meet at 7.30p.m. and £5 entrance covers everything.
New members are always welcome - if you are interested, drop in at the above times, or contact us by email or by phone.
We would love to hear from you.
Our local group meet with government regularly on issues relevant to our local members e.g. blue badge

Advice from
disabled drivers
We can give advice, from personal experience, on a number of topics important to disabled drivers